Real life has a way of overtaking the virtual reality of the blog that is supposed to be recording it… if that makes sense? It's nearly three weeks since my last post, when I gave details of the new workshop dates, and they are almost all fully booked. I've been part of the "Crafty Artists" event at Ventnor Botanic Gardens over the past two weeks, plus I'm now running a craft club and workshops at my local schools in West Wight - it's all been rather a rush to prepare for everything...
The days at VBG have been really great fun, but the highlight of each day for me has been the spectacular drive along the coast road - I never tire of this drive - it's one of the pleasures of living on the Island. The weather has been beautiful, hazy pink mornings with the layers of the distant landscape ahead merging from the mist, just like a Japanese print. I couldn't help but think of the terrible tragedy on the other side of the world, when a sea as calm and benign as this could suddenly be whipped into such a destructive force. We seem safe here, but living so close to the sea one cannot help but think sombre thoughts…
The coast road precariously follows the cliff edge. The sheer chalk cliffs at Freshwater and the vivid blue sky and sea fill the rear view mirror. Passing the Dunsbury sheep grazing so close to the road I can see the dew sparkling on their backs. The tide is going out at Compton. It's the spring equinox, plus the moon is unusually close to the earth at the moment, so the tides are exceptionally low.
I pass the beautiful Jersey herds at Brook, the alpacas at Chale, their coats steaming in the warmth of the sun and the workers in the vegetable fields, picking cabbages and sprouts. The road veers inland at Niton and follows the Undercliff to St Lawrence. Here bare branches are tinted green with faint Spring growth. There are daffodils everywhere along the verges and cherry blossom in the gardens.
This roller coast road not only twists and turns, but undulates from the constant filling in of surface cracks and potholes over the years, making it quite an exciting drive! There's one-way traffic signals and road works all along the way. The fragility of our island's life is well illustrated by this short drive of barely 16 miles, as coastal erosion will close this road very soon. But driving into the VBG car park the magnificent white and pink magnolia blossom is enough to lighten the mood!
The days at the Botanic Gardens were a delight. The weather's always good at Ventnor - the camellias bloom weeks ahead of Freshwater.The Echium Room is a wonderful bright exhibition space. Lots of lovely people, both visitors and friends, came through the door and said we were a really interesting mix of crafty artists!!!

And in the evening back at Freshwater KC & I couldn't resist taking advantage of the really low tides to wade out through the rock pools and explore the caves in the Bay. There won't be tides as low as this for many years to come...