Thursday 29 August 2019


The weather’s changed, the wind has calmed down and I’ve been able to 
continue with the indigo experiments over the past few days… 
The vat’s up and ready, with everything assembled in the garden…

I began by dyeing the soaked fabrics, prepared with different
 shibori techniques - folded, stitched, tied and gathered with 
threads, elastic bands and clamps… 

Carefully submerging them into the vat, without introducing too much oxygen

soon the bundles were coming out of the dye,  
at first bright turquoise, quickly changing to deeper intense blues
as the indigo oxidised in the air…

The linen, silk and cotton fabrics all reacted so differently,
with varying shades of colour  

I did dip some a second and third time, here rinsed and left to dry….

The FELT pods and pebbles were always going to prove interesting!

I carefully siphoned small quantities of dye into shallow bowls using a pipette, 
(so the indigo didn't come into contact with too much oxygen) 
and allowed the wetted felt to soak up dye. 
I wanted random effects with some areas deliberately left white and paler…

After 10 -15 mins they were removed, left to oxidise, then rinsed.

Next came the Khadi sketchbook with all the prepared pages…  

The cotton rag pages had been soaking in water for about half an hour, 
to make them more receptive to the indigo once in the vat
BUT I was unaware that this had also weakened the glue binding…

Unfortunately, after about 10 mins in the vat, disaster struck...
The book was heavy, all the pages gave way and had to be quickly retrieved... 
Lots of lovely blue pages, but NOW loose leaf… 

And an unexpected re-binding challenge!!!!  

All the various pieces of fabric, felt and papers have now been left to 
thoroughly dry out. 

As is often the case the experiences and benefits of the practical 
PROCESS far outweigh any of the resulting PRODUCTS…

It's been extremely experimental, and enlightening!
I’ve learnt a lot and had great fun in the process, 
and I shall be sharing more results in the next blog post, 
coming up soon….

And don't forget you can click on any photo to see more details!

Thursday 8 August 2019

EXPERIMENTS with INDIGO #1 Preparation

The long hot summer continues...
 with temperatures breaking records all across Europe. 
Traditionally indigo dyeing has taken place in locations much warmer than 
the Isle of Wight, so the unusually hot conditions here are perfect for my
 indigo experiments!

Preparations have been ongoing over the past weeks.
I'm using many fabrics -  cottons, linens and silks - left over from 
my Rust Dyeing in 2017, however this time my main focus is to experiment 
with indigo dyeing FELT…

I’ve felted a series of 3-D natural forms - pods, shells and pebbles shapes.

 They're all ready for dyeing and I’m keen to see how these felted shapes will 
react in the dye vat - I’m hoping for some totally random-dyed effects…

I’ve also prepared some pieces of felt which are tied, pleated and stitched with 
shibori techniques. I’ve tried this before with coloured prefelts 
and you can follow this link to Shibori Workshops.

 These latest felt pieces are pure white and ready to dye… 
along with the other cottons, silks and linen fabrics…

As with the rust experiments I also want to try dyeing paper.
 I've used a Khadi sketchbook, preparing the pages for dyeing with different 
‘shibori’ style pleats and folds, pegged and stitched into place

 Folding the hand-made 100% cotton rag paper has certain similarities to
the more traditional folds with fabric, but it also displays very different qualities...

I’ve been able to tear and cut the paper, wrap it around sticks, use wax and
 origami-type folds secured in place to form areas that act as resists,
 which prevent the dye colour from penetrating the paper, 
creating white patches + a range of lighter blue tones...

Indigo dyeing is a totally new adventure for me!
I’ve read as much as I can find in books and on-line. 

BUT this is extremely experimental and I’m really excited to see 
whether or not any of it works…

It’s been just as challenging to create all the different 3-D felt shapes

 AND the ‘pre-dyed’ paper book

So now all the fabric materials, utensils and equipment are assembled, 
prepared and ready to go to the next stage…  

BUT we have some very severe weather warnings ahead 
so I’m having to wait for the winds to drop and calmer, warmer days,
 when hopefully the indigo will be able to do it’s magic…..

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