Sunday 31 May 2020

The MAY garden...

The never-ending spring sunshine and clear blue skies over Freshwater Bay
 have been amazing during the past months of lock-down.
Those of us fortunate enough to have gardens have turned towards 
them for occupation and sanctuary…

… for me ‘GARDENING has now become the NEW feltmaking... " 

The steep slope behind our house has always been a challenge and over
 the past 25+ years it has gradually been tamed into a garden!

No fences, just a few well-placed stones mark the boundaries.
We benefit from uninterrupted views across to our neighbour’s woodland 
and really appreciate the shade from the trees.

Just a stone’s throw from the Atlantic, the salty south/westerlies play 
havoc with anything growing too tall… 
BUT unbelievably these echiums have survived - 
a mass of tiny blue flowers and bees.

 Sadly these beautiful bearded iris 'Kent Pride' weren't so fortunate...
Falling foul of the recent gales they ended up in a vase, 
still looking magnificent, but not your usual cut flower!  

Lots of tough wind and drought resistant plants grow
 such as phlomis, teasels and giant salvias
 and my personal gardener’s code is " if it thrives and survives, it stays"

 whether it’s classed a weed—or not!

So the borders of cow parsley and red campion have been 
an absolute delight this spring... 
Nature at her best, and right on trend if you're a Gardener's World follower!

And then other delights appear from nowhere.. 
  the hardy geraniums, ferns and euphorbias self-seed and grow
 just in the right places

However big or small—enjoy your gardens this summer...

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