Tuesday 28 November 2017

EXPERIMENTS with RUST #4 Conclusions...

With the end of November approaching fast it’s time to bring the rust dyeing
 experiments to a conclusion. This final piece of work sums up the past 
months of experimentation...

I would like to dedicate it to our very dear friend and neighbour 
Eric Geddes, 
who died last year on this day.

Eric was a sculptor and artist who for many decades, 
made the beaches of West Wight his studio.
He worked with materials found on the shoreline, 
constructing huge monumental structures from driftwood 
and smaller forms 
from clays, seaweed and stone.

COMPTON BAY : 1982 - 83

FORT VICTORIA : 1993 - 1998

ISHIGOROKO : mind of the stone
Compton Bay 1993 

Eric has been a great inspiration, especially over these past months, when I've 
been following a new experimental path that finally led
to me taking the feltwork and fabrics back to the beach to be photographed.

'ISHIGOROKO' was the inspiration behind my final piece.
Wrapping a stone with the rust-stained fabric, 
dyed from contact with Eric's welded metal sculpture, 
then placing it back in the sea at Freshwater Bay.

Hoping Eric would approve?

In memory of 
1st November 1928 - 28th November 2016

All EG images reproduced with kind permission of June Geddes 2017