Saturday 10 December 2016

AUTUMN WORKSHOPS - looking back!

As another season of the FELTED GARDEN workshops draws to a close 
here's a chance to look back at some of the amazing work 
produced over the past months...
The FELT BIRDS were a brand new theme and I wasn't sure how they would 
work out - I needn't have worried! As with most felting techniques, once understood everyone quickly got to work and the variety of birds produced was 
 spectacular - way beyond my expectations... 

Not just garden birds, blue tits, robins, finches, even a Cornish chough, 
but also some fantastic parrots, owls and a penguin! 

Here's a rather damp flock at the end of the day, 
felted, ready to be stitched and decorated when completely dry! 

The 'Painting with Fibres' workshop also produced 
some wonderful work and
here are just a few examples of some pictures in progress
and don't forget to click on the photos to see more details... laying out a range of mixed fibres 
the designs are carefully built up
 using sketches and photos as reference.

At the end of the '3-D' workshop...
Lots of very interesting pods again still very wet after the days felting 
but firm enough to hold their shape. 
All felted around resists and then finished by hand...

and on a much smaller scale these beautiful seeds and
 berries were all wet felted using similar techniques.
Fantastic examples of how felt can be moulded and worked
 by hand to make almost anything 

And finally 
stunning work by some of my more experienced felters...
Truly inspirational!

The perfect end to another busy year!

Just remains for me to say a very big 
to all my students who keep coming along to the workshops.
You make it such fun and keep me on my toes!!!

A very HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all!